Какой процессор нужен для GTX 1660 Super
Видеокарта GTX 1660 Super — хороший выбор для бюджетных сборок ПК. Она обеспечивает неплохую производительность во всех современных играх, а также может использоваться в редактировании или рендеринге видео.
Чтобы данная видеокарта раскрыла весь свой потенциал, ее необходимо использовать в сочетании с достаточно мощным процессором — в противном случае ЦП в конечном итоге будет ограничивать производительность. Чтобы помочь вам собрать недорогую, но мощную систему, в этой статье мы рассмотрим, какой процессор нужен для GTX 1660 Super.
Как выбрать процессор для GTX 1660 Super
GTX 1660 Super относится к среднему ценовому сегменту и является хорошим выбором для игр с разрешением 1080p. Видеокарта достигает производительности GTX 1070 и даже превосходит ее в некоторых современных играх. Характеристики GTX 1660 Super:
- Архитектура: Turing
- Ядра NVIDIA CUDA: 1408
- Частота видеопроцессора: 1530 — 1785 (Boost) МГц
- Частота памяти: 14000 МГц
- Шина видеопамяти: 192 бит
- Максимальное количество памяти: 6 Гб
- Пропускная способность памяти: 336 ГБ/сек
- Производство: 12 нм
- Поддерживаемые разъемы: DP 1.4a, HDMI 2.0b, DL-DVI-D
GTX 1660 Super потянет все современные игры. Например, на ультра настройках можно поиграть в Forza Horizon 4, Far Cry New Dawn, Battlefield 5 и почти все другие игры, выпущенные до 2020 года. Cyberpunk 2077, Dirt 5, Days Gone, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Watch Dogs: Legion и другие современные ААА-блокбастеры пойдут на средне-высоких настройках.
Чтобы раскрыть потенциал GTX 1660 Super, нужно подобрать достаточно мощный процессор. Двухъядерные CPU не подойдут, минимальным условием будет наличие 4 ядер и 8 потоков. Лучшие процессоры для 1660 Super имеют 6 ядер и 12 потоков. Если же компьютер будет использоваться в рендеринге или Photoshop, то для комфортной работы может понадобиться еще более производительный процессор с 8 ядрами и 16 потоками. Подробнее о том, как подобрать процессор к видеокарте.
Лучшие процессоры для GTX 1660 Super
Ниже мы рассмотрим лучшие процессоры для видеокарты GTX 1660 Super. Мы подобрали 8 CPU, которые лучше всего справятся с поставленными задачами.
1. Intel Core i5-10400F
Intel Core i5-10400F — это 6-ядерный 12-поточный процессор, основанный на архитектуре Comet Lake. Он имеет базовую частоту 2,9 ГГц, которая в режиме Boost повышается до 4,3 ГГц. Процессор имеет отличную производительность при разрешении 1080p, поэтому потенциал видеокарты будет раскрыт полностью. Во всех киберспортивных играх будет 100+ кадров в секунду, а современные AAA игры пойдут на средних или высоких настройках без просадок FPS. Но если говорить о рендеринге видео, то i5-10400F будет не лучшим решением — процессоры от AMD справляются с этой задачей немного эффективнее.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Comet Lake
- Количество ядер: 6
- Количество потоков: 12
- Базовая частота: 2,9 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 4,3 ГГЦ
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 64 кб/256 кб/12 мб
- Поддержка разгона: нет
- Встроенная графика: нет
- Количество ядер GPU —
- ЧастотаGPU —
- TDP: 65 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck: 3,62.
2. Ryzen 7 1700
AMD Ryzen 7 1700 — это мощный процессор с 8 ядрами и 16 потоками, который в сочетании с GTX 1660 Super обеспечивает высокую производительность в любых играх. Данный процессор был выпущен еще в 2017 году и уже давно упал в цене — для бюджетных сборок он будет одним из лучших вариантов.
Ryzen 7 1700 будет хорошим выбором как для игр, так и для редактирования и рендеринга видео. По производительности он может конкурировать со многими процессорами Ryzen 2-го поколения. Также он хорошо справляется с одновременным выполнением нескольких задач.
- Производитель: AMD
- Микроархитектура: Zen
- Количество ядер: 8
- Количество потоков: 16
- Базовая частота: 3,0 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 3,7 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 96 кб/512 кб/16 мб
- Поддержка разгона: да
- Встроенная графика: нет
- Количество ядер GPU: —
- Частота GPU: —
- TDP: 65 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck: 3,58
3. Intel Core i7-9700KF
Intel Core i7 9700KF — восьмиядерный и восьмипоточный процессор, который имеет базовую тактовую частоту 3,6 ГГц и турбо-частоту 4,9 ГГц с общим объемом кэш-памяти 12 МБ. Его особенностями являются превосходная одноядерная производительность и высокая скорость в турборежиме, что обеспечивает высокий FPS. Почти во всех играх на высоких настройках графики обеспечивается приемлемая частота кадров.
Мощности Intel Core i7 9700KF хватит для любых задач, но при этом стоит учитывать достаточно большое энергопотребление и подобрать эффективную систему охлаждения.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Coffee Lake
- Количество ядер: 8
- Количество потоков: 8
- Базовая частота: 3,6 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 4,9 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 64 кб/256 кб/12 мб
- Поддержка разгона: да
- Встроенная графика: нет
- Количество ядер GPU: —
- Частота GPU: —
- TDP: 95 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck: 3,99
4. Ryzen 5 2600
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 — шестиядерный процессор с двенадцатью потоками, который имеет базовую тактовую частоту в 3,4 ГГЦ. Он является одним из самых востребованных CPU среди геймеров, поскольку при невысокой стоимости полностью раскрывает потенциал видеокарты.
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 хорошо разгоняется и демонстрирует превосходную производительность — он справляется с редактированием видео низкого и среднего уровня, а также может обеспечить 60 кадров в секунду на средних и высоких настройках даже в последних релизах.
- Производитель: AMD
- Микроархитектура: Zen
- Количество ядер: 6
- Количество потоков: 12
- Базовая частота: 3,4 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 3,9 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 96 кб/512 кб/16 мб
- Поддержка разгона: да
- Встроенная графика: нет
- Количество ядер GPU: —
- Частота GPU: —
- TDP: 65 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck: 2,97
5. Intel Core i5-9600K
Core i5-9600K — процессор с тактовой частотой 3,7 ГГц, которая в турбо режиме увеличивается до 4.6 Ггц. Он имеет всего 6 потоков, но благодаря 6 полноценным ядрам, его производительности будет достаточно для любых игровых задач.
Данный процессор имеет разблокированный множитель, благодаря чему его можно легко разогнать. Чтобы раскрыть полный потенциал, рекомендуется подобрать хорошую материнскую плату, поддерживающую разгон. Таким образом, в сочетании с GTX 1660 Super, геймеры могут ожидать более высокой производительности, чем у аналогичных процессоров Ryzen.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Coffee Lake
- Количество ядер: 6
- Количество потоков: 6
- Базовая частота: 3,7 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 4,6 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 64 кб/256 кб/9 мб
- Поддержка разгона: да
- Встроенная графика: UHD Graphics 630
- Количество ядер GPU:
- Частота GPU: 300 — 1150 МГц
- TDP: 95 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck: 2,15
6. Intel Core i5-11400F
Intel Core i5-11400F — это 6-ядерный 12-поточный процессор на архитектуре Rocket Lake. В сравнении с предшественником, он поддерживает модули ОЗУ до DDR4-3200 МГц. Подойдет как для игр, так и для решения рабочих задач, связанных с редактированием и рендерингом видео.
С i5-11400F и GTX 1660 Super игроки могут рассчитывать на очень хорошую производительность. Если в будущем вы решите приобрести более мощную видеокарту, то этот процессор может легко работать с GeForce RTX 30 серии или Radeon RX 6000 — он обеспечит стабильный игровой процесс в разрешении 1440p или даже 4K.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Rocket Lake
- Количество ядер: 6
- Количество потоков: 12
- Базовая частота: 2,6 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 4,4 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 80 кб/512 кб/12 мб
- Поддержка разгона: нет
- Встроенная графика: нет
- Количество ядер GPU: —
- Частота GPU: —
- TDP: 65 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck:
7. Intel Core i3-12300
Intel Core i3-12300 — 4-ядерный 8-поточный процессор, который имеет частоту 3,5-4,4 ГГц. Это бюджетный вариант, который в первую очередь рассчитан на игровые системы начального уровня. В сочетании с GTX 1660 Super он демонстрирует достаточно неплохие результаты — все последние релизы запускаются на средних и высоких настройках с 60-70 FPS.
В своей ценовой категории Intel Core i3-12300 является самым лучшим вариантом — процессоры AMD проигрывают как в синтетических бенчмарках, так и в большинстве игр. Энергопотребление составляет всего 60 Вт, что также является достаточно хорошим результатом. Кроме того, сокет LGA 1700 даёт возможность для апгрейда процессора в будущем.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Alder Lake
- Количество ядер: 4
- Количество потоков: 8
- Базовая частота: 3,5 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 4,4 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 80 кб/1,25 мб/12 мб
- Поддержка разгона: нет
- Встроенная графика: UHD Graphics 730
- Количество ядер GPU:
- Частота GPU: 300 — 1000 МГц
- TDP: 60 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck:
8. Intel Core i7-10700K
Intel Core i7-10700K — это 8-ядерный 16-поточный процессор, основанный на архитектуре Coffee Lake. Он имеет базовую тактовую частоту 3,8 ГГц и 5,1 ГГц в режиме Boost. По производительности он не уступает i9 9900K, но стоит дешевле. В сочетании с GTX 1660, данный процессор обеспечивает превосходную производительность в играх. В будущем, этот процессор можно будет использовать в связке с более мощными видеокартами, достигая 60+ кадров в секунду при разрешении 1440p.
В профессиональных приложениях для редактирования и рендеринга видео Intel Core i7-10700K показывает очень хорошие результаты, его мощности будет достаточно для решения практически любых задач. В общем, данный процессор будет лучшим решением для GTX 1660 Super.
- Производитель: Intel
- Микроархитектура: Comet Lake
- Количество ядер: 8
- Количество потоков: 16
- Базовая частота: 3,8 ГГц
- Частота Boost: 5,1 ГГц
- Кеш L1/L2/L3: 64 кб/256 кб/16 мб
- Поддержка разгона: да
- Встроенная графика: UHD Graphics 630
- Количество ядер GPU:
- Частота GPU: 300 — 1150 МГц
- TDP: 125 Вт
- Коэффициент Bottleneck:
В этой статье мы рассмотрели, какой процессор нужен для GTX 1660 Super. Это хорошая видеокарта среднего уровня, которая зарекомендовала себя как в играх, так и в рендеринге видео. Для игровых систем начального уровня хорошим решением будут Intel Core i3-12300 или Intel Core i5-9600K. Более производительными будут Ryzen 5 2600 и Core i5-10400F, а для решения сложных рабочих задач, связанных с рендерингом, подойдут Ryzen 7 1700 или Intel Core i7-10700K.
7 Best CPU For 1660 Super Graphics in 2023 (with Pros, Cons & Buying Guide)
Are you looking for the best CPU for 1660 super graphics card in 2023? Whether you are a creator, gamer, or game developer, this article will help you to find out the most suitable CPU to use with GTX 1600, GTX 1660 super, or GTX 1600Ti graphics card.
This fascinating graphic card is capable of enhancing the visual experience in videos and games and is also capable of enabling you to play games at 4K & even VR games, but all this is only possible when equipped with an equally powerful CPU that can support the demands of the GPU.
Things to Remember
Before buying any CPU for 1660 super, here are some important things to remember when looking for the best CPU for this card:
- Overclocking Support: Make sure that you buy a CPU that supports overclocking to get better performance while gaming.
- Power Consumption: Power consumption is an important factor that determines what the best CPU for 1660 super can offer. If a CPU consumes a lot of power, then it consumes more energy from your computer’s power supply, which can shorten the lifespan of other components and reduce efficiency as well.
- CPU Cores/Threads: The more cores/threads, the better the performance. The best CPU for 1660 super should have at least 12 cores.
- Clock Speed: Since the 1660 graphics card is considered to be a gaming one, it’s preferable to choose a CPU that has high clock speeds, especially for higher frames.
Based on the above factors, we have summarized all the best CPUs for GTX 1660 super, GTX 1660ti, and GTX 1660 GPUs in the article below, along with their specifications and performance.
So let’s have a look...
Table of Contents
Best CPU For 1660 Super Graphics Card
There are several CPUs that are compatible with the GTX 1660 super graphics card. However, for getting better performance and avoiding bottlenecks, I am mentioning the CPUs that are the most popular and best in their categories based on the factors described above.
1. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 16-Cores & 32-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Processor Graphics
Architecture: Zen 3 | Socket: AM4 | Cores: 16 | Threads: 32 | Base Frequency: 3.4 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 4.9 GHz | TDP: 105 W | L3 Cache: 64 MB | Memory Support: Up to 3200MHz | Overclocking Support: Yes
If budget is not an issue for you, and you want to get the best performance CPU for your GTX 1660 super graphics card, then AMD Ryzen 9 5950X is the perfect choice for you. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X is one of the high-end processors mentioned in this list, and without a doubt, it is the best CPU for 1660 super GPU.
It has the most number of cores and the highest clock speeds, which makes it a great choice for those who want more processing power. The best part about this processor is that it’s compatible with both Nvidia and AMD graphic cards, which means that you do not have to worry about compatibility issues.
This processor offers 16 cores, 32 threads, and an amazing base frequency of 3.4 GHz. It also has a boost clock of 4.9 GHz, which means that this is one of the best processors for gamers and creators to get an edge over their rivals when playing games or editing videos.
This CPU is a beast when it comes to overclocking, and the CPU clocks will increase automatically with the help of the XFR (extended frequency range) technology.
It is also a great deal if you want to take advantage of the new PCIe 4.0 because it will support PCIe 4.0 on X570 and B550 motherboards in the future.
The Ryzen 9 5950X also supports up to DDR4-3200 memory and has a huge cache of up to 64 MB, making it one of the fastest processors when dealing with multitasking or playing AAA games with high settings.
Overall, the performance of this processor is outstanding and great for providing both high-end gaming and video rendering performance. I would recommend you to go with this CPU without a second thought unless you are on a budget.
Why should you get it?
The Ryzen 9 5950X is a beast CPU for your GTX 1660 super graphics card. It has an amazing value for money and overall is the best CPU for 1660 super in terms of performance. It has a huge cache, high clock speed, strong cores, and threads which make it the best option when buying a new processor. Also, if you are planning to upgrade your gaming rig, this will come in handy because it will be compatible with all the latest high-end graphics cards.
You also get a lot of features that are not available in other CPUs, like support for two PCIe 4.0 lanes, two XFR heatsink slots, and a dual-fan design, which makes this CPU worth your money.
- 16 cores, 32 threads.
- Extreme performance and efficiency.
- Has XFR, which provides automatic overclocking without increasing power consumption too much.
- Costly.
- Does not come with a liquid or fan cooler.
Bottom Line:
The Ryzen 9 5950X is one of the best CPUs for the 1660 super graphics card, especially if you want to take advantage of the new PCIe 4.0 and would like to do some overclocking. It has high-end performance and an excellent price-to-performance ratio and is one of the best processors available in the market.
In the end, if you have the money to spend and want to play 4k or VR games at full performance & high FPS, then I highly recommend getting this much power for your GTX 1660 super graphic card.
2. Intel® Core™ i9-12900KF, 16-Cores & 32-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Processor Graphics
Architecture: Alder Lake | Socket: LGA 1700 | Cores: 8P+8E | Threads: 24 | Base Frequency: 3.2 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 5.2 GHz | TDP: 125-241 W | L3 Cache: 30 MB | Memory Support: 128 GB (DDR5-4800, DDR4-3200) | Overclocking Support: Yes
The new Intel Core i9-12900KF is a powerful, energy-efficient processor with 16 cores (8 processing cores and 8 Efficient cores) and 24 threads. It features a base frequency of 3.2 GHz (for Performance-cores), a turbo boost frequency of 5.2 GHz, and a large cache of 30 MB Intel® Smart Cache, making it one of the best processors in the market when it comes to gaming and video editing.
This processor features Intel’s new 10-nanometer technology, which helps improve this CPU’s performance by more than 15% over previous-gen CPUs. It has hyper-threading technology, which means it can perform two instructions per clock cycle, making this CPU a great choice when you want high-end performance.
This processor comes with an unlocked multiplier which helps in improving its performance of this processor. It also comes with an impressive value for money as it is quite affordable and provides high-end performance for its cost.
It is unlocked for overclocking, so you can play with the processor to reach its maximum potential. It is also a great choice if you want to upgrade your gaming rig because it supports almost all the latest graphics cards.
When it comes to gaming, this CPU is capable of playing high-end AAA games with full potential when equipped with a decent graphics card which in your case is GTX 1660 super. This processor is also capable of playing 4k & virtual reality games without any issues.
Why should you get it?
The Intel Core i9-12900KF is one of the best processors for 1660 super graphic cards. When it’s equipped with a GTX 1660 super card, it will provide you with the best gaming experience, even at high FPS. The CPU also comes with an unlocked multiplier, 32 threads, and great performance. If you can afford it, you should surely go for the Intel Core i9-12900KF because it will exceed your expectations.
- 16 cores and 32 threads.
- Great performance and efficiency.
- Supports almost all the latest graphics cards.
- Costlier than other processors.
- Not for budget gamers.
Bottom Line:
The Intel Core i9-12900KF is one of the best processors for 1660 super, especially if you want to take advantage of the new 10nm technology and would like to play 4k or VR games at full performance. It has great performance and a high-end performance per cost ratio, making it a great CPU for all gamers. For this reason, it is again one of the best processors for the 1660 super graphics card.
The high-end CPU built by Intel’s new 10nm architecture provides improved performance and power efficiency. If you have a GTX 1060 super graphics card, then this CPU is a must-have for you because it will work well with it and can provide excellent gaming performance according to your needs.
3. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, 12-Cores & 24-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Processor Graphics
Architecture: Zen 3 | Socket: AM4 | Cores: 12 | Threads: 24 | Base Frequency: 3.7 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 4.8 GHz | TDP: 105 W | L3 Cache: 64 MB | Memory Support: DDR4 Up to 3200MHz | Overclocking Support: Yes
If you are looking for an affordable processor that is the best in performance, then this is one of the best processors to buy right now because it is one of the most powerful CPUs on the market. It comes with a 12-core and 24-thread design and Hyper-Threading technology, making it capable of delivering excellent gaming and video editing performance.
The CPU features an incredible triple live processor core design that will deliver 100+ FPS performance in almost all games when equipped with a decent graphics card like GTX 1060 super, GTX 1060ti, or even GTX 1060.
It features AMD’s new Zen 3 architecture, which helps this CPU to deliver excellent performance even at high FPS. It has a base frequency of 3.7 GHz along with a Max Boost frequency of 4.8 GHz and a large 64 MB L3 cache which makes it a great option for demanding workloads and for overclocking.
It supports DDR4 RAM with up to 3200 MHz speeds, also supports PCIe 4.0, and is compatible with both X570 and B550 high-end chipset motherboards. Overall, this CPU is a great option for any gamer, as it offers excellent performance at a reasonable price.
Why should you get it?
The AMD Ryzen 9 5900X has an incredible performance per cost ratio, making it a great choice for gamers because of its high-performance value. It will provide you with the best experience when playing high-end games, as it can deliver 100+ FPS while maintaining minimum configuration needs.
- Best performance per cost ratio.
- It can achieve 100+ FPS in almost all games.
- Great value for money.
- Heating is an issue.
- The stock CPU cooler is not included.
Bottom Line:
The AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is an excellent processor for 1660 super users as it delivers a performance-per-cost ratio that is really high, and that too at a reasonable price. It may not be the cheapest option, but it will surely exceed your expectations when it comes to performance.
If you are on a budget but also want a great entry-level gaming processor with 12 cores that will work best with your 1660 super graphics card, then this one is the best option in the market right now, which will provide you with the best gaming experience even at high FPS.
4. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, 8-Cores & 16-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor Without Processor Graphics
Architecture: Zen 3 | Socket: AM4 | Cores: 8 | Threads: 16 | Base Frequency: 3.8 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 4.7 GHz | TDP: 105 W | L3 Cache: 32 MB | Memory Support: DDR4 Up to 3200MHz | Overclocking Support: Yes
This is another budget processor from AMD that works best with GTX 1660 super graphics card and is perfect for users who want to take their gaming experience to the next level. It comes with an 8-core and 16-thread design, allowing it to deliver high performance at a reasonable price.
It features AMD’s new Zen architecture, which helps this CPU to deliver excellent performance even at high FPS. It has a base frequency of 3.8 GHz, a Max Boost frequency of 4.7 GHz, and a large 32 MB cache, making it a great option for high performance & workload.
It supports DDR4 RAM with up to 3200MHz speeds and can support PCIe 4.0 when equipped with an X570 chipset. Also, it is compatible with both X570 and B550 chipset motherboards.
Aside from that, it has an unlocked design which allows it to be overclockable and even run on liquid cooling. The main advantage of buying this CPU is that it can deliver high performance along with good value, as it offers excellent value to its users and provides a reasonable price-per-performance ratio.
Why should you get it?
The AMD Ryzen 7 5800X is another budget processor from AMD which is designed to work with the GTX 1660 super graphics card at a very reasonable price. It is ideal for FPS gamers as it can deliver good performance even in games that require medium to high configuration needs.
It comes with an unlocked design that allows it to be overclockable and supports liquid cooling. Also, it has an excellent value-per-performance ratio and will easily exceed your expectations when playing games.
- Easily overclocked.
- Excellent value for money.
- Can deliver 100+ FPS even in demanding games like Far Cry 5, GTA V, Apex Legends, etc.
- Doesn’t feature an IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor).
Bottom Line:
The AMD Ryzen 7 5800X is a budget processor from AMD, which is ideal for users who play FPS games and want to take their gaming experience to the next level. It comes at a reasonable price and delivers excellent performance without breaking the bank. It features an unlocked design for overclocking.
5. Intel® Core™ i9-11900K, 8-Cores & 16-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor With Intel® UHD Graphics 750
Architecture: Rocket Lake | Socket: LGA 1200 | Cores: 8 | Threads: 16 | Base Frequency: 3.5 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 5.3 GHz | TDP: 125 W | L3 Cache: 16 MB | Memory Support: 128GB DDR4-3200 | Overclocking Support: Yes
The Intel I9-11900K is an 11th-generation processor from Intel that works great with the GTX 1660 super graphics card and will provide you with an excellent gaming experience.
It comes with an 8-core and 16-thread design, allowing it to deliver high performance at a reasonable price. It features the “Rocket Lake” architecture, which helps this CPU to deliver excellent performance even at high FPS.
It has a base frequency of 3.5 GHz, a Turbo Boost frequency of 5.3 GHz, and a large 16 MB cache, making it an excellent option for demanding workloads and overclocking. It has an unlocked design that allows it to be overclocked and is compatible with Z590, B560, and H570 chipset motherboards.
All in all, the Intel I9-11900K is a great processor for gaming as it has an 8-core and 16-thread design that can easily handle any workload along with delivering high performance. It comes at a reasonable price and will surely exceed your expectations.
Why should you get it?
The Intel I9-11900K is a powerful processor from Intel that works great with the GTX 1660 super graphics card and will provide you with an excellent gaming experience at a reasonable price and can also deliver high performance even with less-than-excellent budget setups.
It can deliver 100+ FPS even in demanding games like Far Cry 5, GTA V, Apex Legends, etc., and will run all the games you want to play smoothly. This processor is ideal for budget gamers who play demanding games and are looking to improve their gaming experience without breaking the bank.
- Great value for money.
- Excellent performance at a reasonable price.
- Ideal for budget gamers who want to improve their gaming experience without spending a fortune.
- Not suitable for playing high-end games.
Bottom Line:
The Intel I9-11900K is an excellent CPU for gaming as it has an 8-core and 16-thread design that can easily handle any workload, along with delivering high performance. It works great with the GTX 1660 super graphics card and will provide you with an excellent gaming experience. It is also unlocked for overclocking.
6. Intel® Core™ i7-11700K, 8-Cores & 16-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor With Intel® UHD Graphics 750
Architecture: Rocket Lake | Socket: LGA 1200 | Cores: 8 | Threads: 16 | Base Frequency: 3.6 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 5.0 GHz | TDP: 125 W | L3 Cache: 16 MB | Memory Support: 128GB DDR4-3200 | Overclocking Support: Yes
The Intel I7-11700K is another 11th-generation processor from Intel that works great with the GTX 1660 super graphics card. It is an unlocked processor which can easily be overclocked and comes at a great price. It has an 8-core and 16-thread design which allows it to deliver excellent performance even in demanding games.
It has a rich package with an unlocked design which allows it to be overclocked, and it comes with a UEFI BIOS for easy overclocking. It comes at a very affordable price and is one of the best performance-per-dollar CPUs available in the market.
It is also a great choice if you are looking for an affordable gaming processor because it can easily be overclocked and provides high performance for its cost.
Moreover, it also comes with an arrogant cooling solution which makes it ideal for overclocking your CPU’s performance. You can easily overclock the processor to reach its maximum potential and enjoy playing heavy games with this processor.
This is all thanks to its hyper-threading technology, which helps in providing excellent performance and boosts the efficiency of this machine. It also has a rich package with an unlocked design, 32 threads, and great value for money.
Why should you get it?
The Intel I7-11700K is an excellent mid-tier GTX 1660 super graphic card processor. It provides excellent CPU performance, which is good enough to play high-end games at high FPS. The CPU also has a rich package with 8 cores and 16 threads, great performance, and value for money. It can be easily overclocked to reach its maximum potential.
- Great performance per dollar ratio.
- Great for high-quality games and virtual reality.
- It can easily be overclocked.
- Sometimes it freezes and heat.
Bottom Line:
The Intel I7-11700K is an excellent processor that gives the best performance in gaming and allows you to play demanding games even at high FPS. It also has 8-cores and 16-threads, which helps in providing better performance over 8-core processors. It also works great with the GTX 1660 super graphics card.
7. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, 6-Cores & 12-Threads Unlocked Desktop Processor with Wraith Stealth Cooler
Architecture: Zen 3 | Socket: AM4 | Cores: 6 | Threads: 12 | Base Frequency: 3.7 GHz | Max Boost Frequency: 4.6 GHz | TDP: 65 W | L3 Cache: 32 MB | Memory Support: Up to 3200MHz | Overclocking Support: Yes
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is the last processor on our list, which you can use for gaming if you have a GTX 1660 super graphics card. It has a 6-core and 12-thread architecture which is enough for mid-tier gaming.
If you’re really looking for a budget processor below $200, then this is the only processor on this list that is both the cheapest and compatible with GTX 1660 Super graphics card. However, it suits really only people who want to play games in medium-high settings.
Moreover, the processor can be easily overclocked and comes with a good wraith stealth cooler, which helps play heavy games. It has been optimized for various games such as PUBG, Apex Legends, etc., so you can get excellent FPS in this game.
It is also a great choice if you are looking for a budget processor that can be used for video editing and with heavy apps without any issues.
Why should you get it?
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is one of the cheapest processors compatible with the GTX 1660 super graphics card. It provides excellent performance with GTX 1660 super and can be easily overclocked. It is also the only processor which is cheaper than most of its compatriots in this list.
- Affordable, cheap price tag.
- Has 6 cores and 12 threads, along with great performance.
- It can easily be overclocked.
- It comes with a good wraith Stealth cooler.
- GTX 1660 super can’t perform at its full potential with this CPU.
Bottom Line:
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is an excellent budget processor which works great with GTX 1660 super and can be easily overclocked, which provides good performance. It also comes with a good wraith cooler which is good for games and also works best when overclocked. It is also one of the cheapest processors compatible with the GTX 1660 super graphics card.
Buying Guide – What to Look While Buying a CPU for GTX 1660 Super GPU?
Now that you have a clear idea about the different CPUs which are the best for GTX 1660 super graphics card, it’s time to buy one. In this buying guide, we will be looking at various factors which you need to consider while buying a CPU for your GTX 1660 super graphics card. Below is the list of those crucial factors:
1. Number of Cores and Threads
The number of cores and threads obviously depends on the type of processor that you are buying. If you are buying a processor for gaming, you should consider a CPU with at least 12 cores and 24 threads, it will be better because games will be able to utilize more cores resulting in better FPS and buttery smooth gameplay for you.
2. Performance
The performance of any CPU is directly proportional to its clock speed. So the higher the clock speed, the better its performance. So it’s always a good idea to go for a processor which has a high frequency. A high CPU frequency means that it can perform your tasks faster than other processors, which have low frequencies, and hence, you will get a better gameplay experience with this processor.
3. Single/Dual/Quad Core
Your choice of single, dual, or quad-core depends on your requirements. Single or dual-core processors are mainly best if you buy a CPU for light work and surfing the internet. Whereas quad-core processors are better suited for high-demanding & performance-heavy applications such as gaming, video editing, and rendering.
4. Multi-Threading Support
Multi-threading is an effective way of improving the performance of a CPU. Multi-threading allows the CPU to handle multiple tasks using the same number of cores or threads. So, one core of a quad-core processor can handle four threads which will provide better performance as compared to one thread being handled by every core.
5. Price
Well, obviously the price of the CPU is a major deciding factor. But if you are looking for a processor which can be easily overclocked and is compatible with your GTX 1660 super graphics card, then it is best to go for the processors in our list.
Also, make sure that you have enough money to buy a new processor since it’s better to buy one which will give you great performance rather than sacrificing with a low-performance one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the 1660 GPU and still enjoy the 144Hz refresh rate?
Yes, you can use this graphics card with any compatible processor mentioned here to enjoy a 144hz of refresh rate. But if you are using an Intel processor, then you will have to tune the settings to be able to get a refresh rate higher than the default.
Can I upgrade my CPU later after buying GTX 1660 Super?
Yes, you can upgrade your CPU anytime, and until then, you can use it with your old CPU which you have with you. But make sure that before buying a new CPU, you have checked for its compatibility with your motherboard and which socket type it has, as well as your budget.
Wrapping Up!
If you are reading this then I am sure that you must have found the best gaming CPU which can be paired with your GTX 1660 super graphics card. We have made this list of the top 7 best CPUs which work with 1660 super graphics cards and help you to get the best results without any trouble while playing your favorite games. So, if you haven’t purchased one take a look at these processors now and choose the one according to your budget and compatibility.
If you are still confused between any of the processors in our list, then I would say that they are all great. However, I would suggest getting one with a higher clock speed and quick enough to overclock.
Also, go for a CPU that has at least 12 cores and 24 threads so that your CPU won’t have any issues using multiple cores during intense gaming.
If there is anything you want to talk about, comment below! I will be more than happy to help you.
Best CPU For GTX 1660 Super, 1660 Ti & GTX 1600
Take a look at some of the Best CPU For GTX 1660 Super, 1660 Ti & GTX 1600 listed here, and grab the best one.
The GeForce GTX 1660 Super and GTX 1660 Ti are two of NVIDIA’s value-oriented graphics cards from 2019. Both use the same 12nm TU116 GPU and features 6 GB of GDDR6 memory. The more affordable ‘Super’ variant has a lower memory bandwidth, with some CUDA cores, texture mapping units, and render output units disabled.
The GTX 16-series is based on the same Turing architecture as the RTX 20-series of graphics cards, such as the mid-range RTX 2060 and high-end RTX 2080 Ti. However, it omits the specialized Tensor and RT cores entirely, meaning there’s no support for hardware-accelerated raytracing and DLSS image upscaling.
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Considering that the GTX 1660 Super and GTX 1660 Ti reside in the entry-level price segment, they still are very respectable choices for 1080p High gaming. Both manage to match the performance of one of NVIDIA’s most successful mid-range Pascal GPUs, GeForce GTX 1070, and even outperform it on the latest AAA titles.
Although the GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti works just fine with older platforms, it’s best to grab the best processors to make the most of its graphical prowess. Fortunately, it’s easy to find a reasonably affordable CPU that doesn’t cause system bottlenecks or slow down the Turing card’s gaming performance.
To help you find the best CPU for GTX 1660 Super and 1660 Ti, we have cut things down to a shortlist of popular desktop processors that are currently available on the market. Read on to discover the options one by one.
Best CPUs for GTX 1660 Super, 1660 Ti & GTX 1600 (Reviews)
There are some compelling options from Intel and AMD in the mainstream desktop processor market. We have made our picks from both ends so that you get to choose the best CPU for 1660 Super or 1660 Ti depending on your personal preference.
1. AMD Ryzen 5 3600
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07STGGQ18/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gekbuzz-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07STGGQ18&linkId=a535bd4a20cbe42ad9b0cfe41952e3e6″ target=”blank” background=”#FF0000″ size=”5″ rel=”nofollow”]View on Amazon[/su_button]
- Core & Thread Count: 6C / 12T
- Base Clock Frequency:6 GHz
- Boost Clock Frequency:2 GHz
- L3 Cache: 32 MB
- TDP: 65 W
- Socket: AM4
- Overclocking Support: Yes
The Ryzen 5 3600 is one of AMD’s most popular Ryzen chips to this date. Based on the Zen 2 architecture, it outperforms the Zen+ Ryzen 5 2600 in every single and multi-threaded benchmark by a significant margin and comes close to matching 9th-gen Intel Core i7 processors.
For those wondering, the higher core clocks and Zen 2’s 15% IPC gain over its predecessor are the reasons why the Ryzen 5 3600 offers such a performance boost. With six cores, twelve threads, and a boost clock of up to 4.2 GHz, this chip is a solid performer in both games and productivity applications.
If you are targeting high refresh rate eSports gaming, the R5 3600 is the best CPU for 1660 Ti. You can later swap out the Turing card with up to an Ampere-based RTX 3070 and still enjoy the latest AAA games on higher settings at higher resolutions without running into bottlenecks.
The Ryzen 5 3600 works across two generations of AM4 motherboard chipsets. You can drop the CPU in an affordable B550 board and still have full access to overclocking. Alternatively, using it with a beefy X570 board will allow the processor to reach its full potential and unlock more advanced overclocking options.
It’s worth mentioning that the R5 3600 supports PCIe 4.0, meaning you have upgrade paths open to super-fast NVMe storage and current-gen GPUs. Despite packing so much power, the processor only has a 65 W TDP rating, but that’s only on stock settings.
Considering it even comes with a stock Wraith cooler, the Ryzen 5 3600 offers incredible value for the price. Now that the Zen 3-based R5 5600X exists, you can find the 3600 for less than or close to $200 these days.
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2. Intel Core i5-11400F
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- Core & Thread Count: 6C / 12T
- Base Clock Frequency:6 GHz
- Boost Clock Frequency:4 GHz
- L3 Cache: 12 MB
- TDP: 65 W
- Socket: LGA 1200
- Overclocking Support: No
The Intel Core i5-11400F breaks AMD’s long-standing dominance in the sub-$200 price segment, offering high-performance gaming for not a lot of money. It’s a better alternative to the Ryzen 5 3600, simply because AMD chose not to release a Zen 3-based successor.
This 6-core 12-thread Rocket Lake processor can be found cheaper than the R5 3600 under normal circumstances. It manages to trounce over the popular Zen 2 mid-ranger in almost every scenario, whether it’s gaming or content creation workloads. The i5-11400F even beats the 8C/16T Ryzen 7 3700X in some games, which is seriously impressive.
Fortunately, the Core i5-11400F does support up to DDR4-3200 modules, unlike its 10th Comet Lake predecessor. When paired with a B560-chipset motherboard, you can also remove the stock power limits and allow the CPU to reach its full potential. The bad news is that it doesn’t have an unlocked multiplier, so overclocking isn’t possible.
The i5-11400F has a stock 65 W TDP rating, but it can consume up to 125 W when boosting to its 4.4 GHz max turbo frequency. This is where the 14nm Rocket Lake CPU falls behind AMD’s more power-efficient 7nm Zen 2 and Zen 3 offerings. Though on an unrestrained power budget, the i5-11400F would be using close to 125 watts all the time. In that case, you shouldn’t be using the bundled stock cooler, which is terrible in the first place anyways.
With the i5-11400F and GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti in your system, you can expect a decent gaming experience at 1080p. The Intel processor can also handle a mid-range GeForce RTX 30-series or Radeon RX 6000-series GPU with ease and deliver a solid 1440p or 4K gaming performance. The Rocket Lake chip supports PCIe 4.0 as well.
At the time of writing, the i5-11400F has limited availability and is sold at shortage-induced prices. Thus, finding one close to retail price can be a challenge. We would also recommend keeping a close eye on the non-F Core i5-11400, which is the same processor with integrated Intel UHD graphics but costs a bit more.
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08X6SZ184/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gekbuzz-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B08X6SZ184&linkId=2f8e7f8f690aac0c8bf14db678d876ae” target=”blank” background=”#FF0000″ size=”5″ rel=”nofollow”]Buy Now[/su_button]
3. AMD Ryzen 3 3300X
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0876YS2T4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gekbuzz-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B0876YS2T4&linkId=801161d1157ad0deca2152055f9f0961″ target=”blank” background=”#FF0000″ size=”5″ rel=”nofollow”]View on Amazon[/su_button]
- Core & Thread Count: 4C / 8T
- Base Clock Frequency:8 GHz
- Boost Clock Frequency:3 GHz
- L3 Cache: 16 MB
- TDP: 65 W
- Socket: AM4
- Overclocking Support: Yes
If you are building a budget-focused gaming rig, the Ryzen 3 3300X would be an excellent addition. With four cores and eight threads, it offers a very competitive gaming experience when paired with an entry-level graphics card like the GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti.
The Ryzen 3 3300X is based on the same 7nm Zen 2 architecture as its more powerful Ryzen 5 sibling. It provides a significant gen-to-gen IPC (Instructions Per Clock) improvement over its first-gen Ryzen counterpart. The four cores run at a 3.8 GHz base clock rate and are capable of boosting up to 4.3 GHz.
You can expect decent performance in lightly threaded games and other applications from this entry-level processor. For reference, it shares the same core/thread count as the Core i7-7700K from Intel’s 7th-gen Kaby Lake CPU lineup.
When paired with a GeForce GTX 16-series or an RTX 20-series graphics card, the R3 3300X delivers frame rates nearly identical to the i7-7700K in intensive titles. It also matches the Ryzen 5 3600’s performance in some games, even with two missing cores. However, now that more games take advantage of more than four CPU cores and threads, you will start seeing bigger differences.
Despite being an entry-level Ryzen processor, the R3 3300X supports PCIe 4.0, also enabled on B550 and X570 motherboards. If your budget doesn’t allow it, you can drop the chip in an affordable B450 or X470 board instead, but it will limit your graphics card and NVMe storage to run at Gen 3 speeds. Fortunately, it won’t be a problem since the Turing cards use the PCIe 3.0 interface anyways.
The Ryzen 3 3300X is relatively power efficient and has a 65 W TDP rating, so you can stick with the included Wraith cooler. However, since the chip is a particularly great overclocker, you will need to invest in a better aftermarket cooler to push it to new heights.
Unfortunately, it seems like AMD isn’t producing any more of these CPUs due to the ongoing silicon shortage, so the stocks are very limited. Hence, make sure to place an order before it runs out.
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4. Intel Core i3-10100F
- Core & Thread Count: 4C / 8T
- Base Clock Frequency:6 GHz
- Boost Clock Frequency:3 GHz
- L3 Cache: 6 MB
- TDP: 65 W
- Socket: LGA 1200
- Overclocking Support: No
If the Ryzen 3 3300X is out of your reach, the Core i3-10100F is a good alternative from Intel. Sure it doesn’t deliver the same level of raw performance as the entry-level Zen 2 chip, but you can at least find it at retail price, in stock.
The i3-10100F offers four cores just like its predecessor, the Core i3-9100F. However, it has hyperthreading enabled this time around, with eight threads to spare. Although it’s the same as seen on the 3300X, gaming on this Comet Lake processor is more comparable to a Ryzen 3 3100. When using it with a GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti, the difference is even smaller.
It’s worth mentioning that the maximum memory frequency for the i3-10100F is locked to 2666 MHz on a B460 or H410 motherboard, which does have a slight hit on performance. The limit is lifted only when using a Z490-chipset board, but the combination doesn’t make any sense for a cheap gaming system.
The power requirement for the i3-10100F is reasonably low at 65 W, even though it’s based on a 14nm architecture. It doesn’t generate a lot of heat, so a budget third-party cooler would be more than enough to keep the CPU cool. Once again, we wouldn’t recommend using the crappy Intel heatsink and fan combo.
All in all, Intel’s Core i3-10100F is basically an old i7 processor, except you can get it way cheaper. If you are on a strict budget, it’s currently one of the best wallet-friendly CPUs to pair with an entry-level graphics card.
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5. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
[su_button url=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08166SLDF/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gekbuzz-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B08166SLDF&linkId=0906d8f230da52991bef6771b9cf1e78″ target=”blank” background=”#FF0000″ size=”5″ rel=”nofollow”]View on Amazon[/su_button]
- Core & Thread Count: 6C / 12T
- Base Clock Frequency:7 GHz
- Boost Clock Frequency:6 GHz
- L3 Cache: 32 MB
- TDP: 65 W
- Socket: AM4
- Overclocking Support: Yes
If you plan to replace your GTX 1660 Super or GTX 1660 Ti with a more capable graphics card later down the road, it’s important to choose a processor that offers ample overhead for a next-gen GPU upgrade. The Ryzen 5 5600X from AMD is what you are looking for.
Based on the current Zen 3 microarchitecture and fabbed on TSMC’s 7nm process, the R5 5600X is a 6-core, 12-thread processor with serious single and multi-threading chops. Compared to the 3600X, it gets a 19% boost in IPC, which on its own makes up for a significant improvement. The CPU also has a higher boost clock of 4.6 GHz.
In gaming and productivity workloads, the Ryzen 5 5600X manages to outperform some of the last-gen HEDT processors from both AMD and Intel, which is unexpected from a mid-range CPU. Especially in gaming, it goes toe-to-toe with its higher-priced sibling, the 8C/16T Ryzen 7 5800X. Even Intel’s Comet Lake topper, the Core i7-10700K, falls victim to the 5600X’s shredding performance.
One of the best parts of opting for the AMD Ryzen platform is the motherboard selection. You can drop the 5600X into any B550 or X570-chipset board and still get access to PCIe 4.0, as well as CPU and DRAM tuning options. In case you can’t fit one of the newer boards in your budget, you can also use an older B450 or X470 board running the latest BIOS version.
Despite being a powerhouse, the 5600X comes with a mere 65W TDP rating, all thanks to the cutting-edge 7nm process. However, we would strongly discourage using the included low-profile Wraith cooler to avoid thermal throttling. A beefy tower cooler or AIO is recommended.
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600X is the most powerful processor on this list, but it also doesn’t break the bank. Though we consider it overkill for a system that uses a GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti for graphics, the 5600X will give you an open path for future GPU upgrades.
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Best CPU for GTX 1660 Super, 1660 Ti FAQs
Q1. How important is a CPU for gaming?
Although it’s the GTX 16-series card that will do most of the heavy lifting in games, a subpar processor will cause a system bottleneck and restrict the GPU from reaching its maximum potential. That doesn’t necessarily justify purchasing a high-end, expensive chip, as different game engines tax the CPU differently.
If you want to play the latest and greatest AAA PC games, make sure to check the system requirements before you decide. However, it’s generally advisable to read written reviews or watch comparison videos from trusted and unbiased tech journalists and YouTubers for more insight.
Q2. Intel or AMD: What’s the best for a GTX 1660 Super or 1660 Ti?
For many years, Intel has been dominating the desktop processor market, leaving not much choice for consumers. That said, AMD with its Ryzen lineup of CPUs is now more relevant than ever before to budget gamers and enthusiasts alike.
The scripts have flipped overnight, making it very difficult for reviewers to recommend an Intel CPU over a competing unit from AMD as the best overall processor for gaming; at least at the time of writing. Yet, Intel’s mid-range picks are the de-facto winners since AMD can’t seem to keep up with high demands lately.
Since you are building a PC revolving around an entry-level GeForce GTX 16-series graphics card, the choice between Intel and AMD boils down to the price-to-performance ratio, where both companies provide some of the best mainstream desktop CPUs on the market.
For example, the six-core, twelve-thread Ryzen 5 3600 offers incredible performance for the price. Additionally, it is extremely power-efficient and supports overclocking on an affordable motherboard chipset. On Intel’s side, the similarly-equipped Core i5-11400F outperforms the R5 3600 in the same price segment, but it comes at the cost of high power consumption and a locked multiplier.
As you can see, both have their upsides and downsides, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide. Given that you will be GPU-limited in most modern games anyway, the performance between the following picks won’t be that different.
Q3. Is an Athlon or Pentium a viable pair for GTX 1660 or 1660 Ti?
The long-running AMD Athlon and Intel Pentium lineups of low-end processors have evolved over the years. The most recent Athlon CPU you can purchase is the dual-core multithreaded Athlon 3000G, which also has integrated Radeon Vega graphics. On Intel’s side, the Pentium Gold G6400 is the most recent addition. Like the Athlon 3000G, it only has two cores and four threads.
While the GTX 1660 Super and 1660 Ti will technically work with the following CPUs, two cores are simply not enough for modern games and are bound to cause irregular frame times, crashes, and outright refuse to run certain titles.
If your budget for a CPU is really that limited, we recommend looking for deals on previous-gen Ryzen 5 or Intel Core i5 processors in the used market instead. Do not waste your money on an Athlon or Pentium unless you are okay with a subpar gaming experience.
Tech Glossary
- Core: On a multi-core processor, individual processing units are referred to as cores, each of which executes instructions. Consumer-grade CPUs carry anywhere from four to sixteen cores, with AMD’s Threadripper processors sporting up to 64 cores.
- Thread: Threads refer to the highest level of CPU instructions for a particular program. Older processors with no support for simultaneous multithreading run one thread per core, but almost every current-gen Intel and AMD CPU get two threads per core, sharing vital resources within.
- Clock Speed: It indicates the rate a processor is capable of executing instructions, generally measured in GHz. A CPU with a 4.2 GHz clock can process 4.2 billion instructions per second. Similar to the core and thread count, the clock speed is one of the most critical aspects of a CPU.
- Cache: Every modern processor contains small, high-speed memory buffers for storing and executing instructions on-demand. There are three types of CPU caches, represented as L1, L2, and L3. L1 is the fastest and smallest segment, whilst L3 is the slowest and largest in the bunch.
- TDP: It stands for Thermal Design Power, referring to the maximum amount of heat a CPU can produce (in watts) under full load. It also indicates how much power a processor draws from the power supply on its stock clock frequency.
- Socket: A socket acts as an interface between the CPU and the motherboard. Intel’s current-gen Rocket Lake CPUs drop into an LGA (Land Grid Array) socket, which has appropriately placed pins on the board. AMD’s current-gen Zen 3 CPUs use PGA (Pin Grid Array), with the pins on the processor instead. They drop into the carefully arranged holes of the AM4 socket.
More Articles
In this guide, we have rounded up the best CPU for GTX 1660 Super and 1660 Ti in a succinct list. Our top picks include mainstream desktop processors from both Team Blue and Team Red. We have chosen the CPUs based on their price, performance, features, and how they pair with the GTX 16-series graphics cards.
If you have any questions, take a look at the above FAQ section or drop us a line in the comments. Plus, make sure to check out our buy links to get the best deal on the processors that we have included on the list.
Какой процессор для GTX 1660 Super?
Для видеокарты GTX 1660 Ti в играх в разрешении 1080р подойдет процессор i5-9400. Для видеокарты GTX 1660 Ti в играх в разрешении 1440р подойдет процессор i5-9400, i3-9350K, Ryzen 7 2600X, Ryzen 7 2700X.
Какой процессор нужен для GTX 1650 Super?
Для работы GTX 1650 хватит и процессора предыдущего поколения: Ryzen 5 1400. Но его желательно разогнать до частоты 3,7-3,8 ГГц.
Как проверить совместимость процессора и видеокарты?
- В поисковую строку первой таблицы введите модель графической карты (например GTX 1070).
- В поисковую строку второй таблицы введите модель процессора (например Intel Core i5 6600K).
- Сравните оба показателя по рейтингу Passmark.
Какой процессор подойдет для RTX 3060?
Для этой видеокарты будет достаточно Core i5-10400, Core i5-10500 или Core i5-11400. Выбирайте смотря что больше нравится. Если всё таки будете рассматривать AMD, то обратите внимание на AMD Ryzen 5 3500x.
Какой блок питания выбрать для GTX 1660 Super?
NVIDIA рекомендует использовать для систем с GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER использовать блоки питания мощностью от 450 Вт.
Какой процессор выбрать для майнинга?
На сегодняшний день лучшей моделью процессора для майнинга криптовалют, по мнению пользователей сети, считается AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X. Данная модель стоит очень дорого, но и быстро окупается. Она обладает 32 ядрами и 64 потоками. . Высокие мощности данного процессора требуют качественного охлаждения.
Какой БП нужен для GTX 1650 Super?
Ключевое – блок питания мощностью свыше 350 Вт, имеющий один 6-pin разъём дополнительного питания. 100-ваттный уровень TDP GeForce GTX 1650 Super не позволяет обойтись 75 ваттами, обеспечиваемыми слотом PCI-Express.
Какой нужен БП для GTX 1650?
Ответ прост — 75 Вт.
Какой блок питания нужен для GTX 1650 Super?
Рекомендуемый источник питания для NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER. Вам понадобится блок питания мощностью не менее 300Вт.
Как проверить совместимость процессора и оперативной памяти?
На сайте производителя материнской платы нужно перейти в раздел «Характеристики» или «Specifications» и найти там информацию о совместимости с оперативной памятью. Здесь будет указанно количество разъемов под память (DIMM), максимальный объем, тип и тактовые частоты.
Какую видеокарту купить в 2021?
- GIGABYTE GeForce GT 710.
- ASUS Phoenix GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.
- GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1660 Ti OC 6G.
- Sapphire PULSE Radeon RX 580.
- Palit GeForce RTX 3060 Dual 12 GB.
- Sapphire NITRO+ Radeon RX 6800 Gaming.
- GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 3090.
Как узнать какая у тебя материнская плата?
Нажмите клавиши Win+R на клавиатуре (где Win — клавиша с эмблемой Windows), введите msinfo32 и нажмите Enter. В открывшемся окне в разделе «Сведения о системе» просмотрите пункты «Изготовитель» (это производитель материнской платы) и «Модель» (соответственно — то, что мы искали).
Какой проц под 3070?
Core i5-10600KF это ещё один оптимальный процессор для RTX 3070. За счёт разблокированного множителя и наличия всего 6 ядер позволяет получить стабильный разгон до 5 ГГц. На этой частоте процессор хорошо проявляет себя, позволяя получить во многих проектах более 144 FPS.
Какой блок питания нужен для RTX 3060 Ti?
Компания сообщает, что для модели Game GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vulcan OC-V потребуется наличие блока питания мощностью 650 Вт.
Какой процессор раскроет RTX 3080?
Рассмотрим, какое железо максимально раскроет потенциал видеокарты: Процессор. Начнем с процессора. Отлично подойдет для такой сборки Intel Core i9 10900K — именно с ним мы получим результаты, близкие к тем, что показаны в промо-материалах новой RTX 3080.