Average hashrate что это
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Average hashrate

Average hashrate

The effective hashrate (shown in the chart above) is calculated based on the hashes submitted by your devices to our pool. Only a small portion of generated hashes by your devices get sent, as they must fit certain criteria assigned by the pool (see: Shares).

Why is average Hashrate low?

If your mean hashrate is much lower then your reported hashrate, your worker is most likely overclocked too high and it’s not effectively hashing. Your hashrate may be bigger, but you’re generating more rejected or invalid hashes. Miner’s logs can confirm this in most cases.

What is current Hashrate mining?

Total Hash Rate (TH/s)The estimated number of terahashes per second the bitcoin network is performing in the last 24 hours. Mining hashrate is a key security metric. The more hashing (computing) power in the network, the greater its security and its overall resistance to attack.

What is reported Hashrate current Hashrate?

Reported Hashrate is the speed your miner tells the pool Effective Hashrate is the speed the pool calculates using valid submitted shares and current jobs difficulty Generally speaking Effective Hashrate and Reported Hashrate should overlay on a long mining run (say 18/24 hours) — You are receiving this because you .

Why is my pool Hashrate so low?

Why is pool hashrate lower than miner? — Quora. The size of a pool, its total hashrate and the distribution of hashrate between bigger and smaller miners, have no effect on the rewards you, mining with a specific hashrate, will obtain on average. Your miner probably reports the average hashrate over a shorter window.

Why is effective Hashrate so low?

If you’re lucky you’ll submit an above average number of shares and the pool will show your effective rate as being higher than usual. Conversely, if you’re unlucky and submit fewer shares in a period then your effective hashrate will drop below the hashrate that you’re actually mining at.

What is a good Hashrate for Dogecoin?

Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are the only choice today if one is to mine successfully as the average hashrate of Dogecoin is around 285 terahashes per second.

How do I check my GPU Hashrate?

The higher end GPUs easily solves the respective algorithm (SHA-256 in Bitcoin) and finds the 64 digit hash and submits it to the mining pool and all this happens in seconds. The total number of correct hashes sent by your GPUs per second will be your hash rate and the more computing power, more is the hash rate.

How many hashes make a Bitcoin?

It takes 2.7 Quadrillion hashes calculated to generate a BTC.

How much Hashrate is needed to mine 1 ETH?

To mine 1 Ethereum, you require a rig with a hash rate of 15,500 megahash a second or mh/s. This is the speed of your mining rig. To build a mining rig with such a high hash rate, you require more than 50 GPUs, which would cost you more than $100,000.

How many Terahashes is a Bitcoin?

Current bitcoin hash rate is is 165 000 000 Tera Hashes per second. There are 6.25 bitcoins mined per block and there is a new block every 10 minutes. So there are 6.25*365.25*24*60/10 = 328725 bitcoin mined each year at the current rate.

What is a high Hashrate for mining?

A high hashrate indicates there’s more competition, but the reward could still be worth it. For example, the Bitcoin hashrate has been as high as 179 exahashes per second (1 exahash = 1 quintillion), but miners were still incentivized to participate because the potential reward was worth the cost.

How do you increase effective Hashrate?

Again, maxing out fan speeds and memory clocks while dropping the GPU core clocks and power limit are key to improving overall hash rates. Modding the card and replacing the VRAM thermal pads with thicker/better pads is possible and will help cooling and performance.

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How is average network hashrate determined?

ethstats has this statistic, currently at 48.3TH/s, but how do they determine it? Are hashrates reported by nodes added up and averaged over so many blocks?

1 Answer 1

While I can’t tell you how ethstats calculates the average network hash rate, I can tell you that they almost certainly don’t use reported values from nodes. Firstly, it would be difficult for them to connect to all nodes. This would be okay if they were to connect to all the nodes with substantial mining capacity, but I don’t think all nodes report a speed.

More likely, and the way I would calculate it, is to look at the average difficulty (this is baked into the blocks themselves) and the average time to solve a block. Since the expected time to solve a block is difficulty / hash rate (this relationship can be derived from the Ethereum source code), one can solve, algebraically, and find that the network hash rate is the average difficulty divided by the average block time. Then you just need to pick your window in terms of number of blocks used for computing the average. For example, right now, the difficulty is

1240TH — which means that one successful hash is expected to be found every 1240 trillion hashes. Since the average block time is roughly 18.9s, the current network hash rate is roughly 65TH/s.

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What is the current, average, local hashrate? Print

Modified on: Wed, 21 Sep, 2022 at 1:30 PM

When your worker mines it performs the work, one unit of work is called a share .

In order to calculate one share, you need to perform thousands of smaller jobs. The hashrate value is calculated based on the number of smaller jobs performed per second by your equipment.

Local hashrate — is a hashrate submitted by your miner to the pool.
Your mining software provides an approximate estimation based on its own mathematical algorithms , it doesn’t take into account real speed of smaller jobs. That’s why local (machine) hashrate may differ from hashrate actually submitted to the pool.

Current hashrate — is a hashrate calculated by the pool based on the actual amount of shares submitted by your equipment to the pool . Ezil calculates the current hashrate based on your hashrate for the past 30 minutes.
Current hashrate can be significantly higher or significantly lower than local hashrate due to the peculiarities of the ETHASH algorithm.

Average hashrate — is a hashrate calculated based on the average values of current hashrate for a certain period of time. Our pool calculates the average hashrate for 3 and 24 hours.

What Realtime vs Reported and Average vs Current Hashrate Mean?

An illustration of a dump truck in the mountains with average hashrate.

What Realtime vs Reported and Average vs Current Hashrate Mean?

Reported hash rate and real-time or current (actual) hashrate are two different parameters used to represent a miner’s hashrate.

Reported hash rate is the estimated hashrate that a miner sends to the pool, while real-time or actual hash-rate shows the actual hash-rate that a miner is achieving.

The reported hash rate is calculated based on the shares a miner submits to the pool over a certain duration, while the real-time hashrate is calculated based on the amount of work a miner’s equipment is doing in a minute.

Sometimes, the reported hash rate can be greater than the actual hash-rate because of factors like network fluctuation, server issues, etc.

Conversely, the actual hash-rate might be greater than the reported hash rate if the miner is running new equipment or running their equipment at a high speed.

It is important to understand the difference between these two parameters to calculate a miner’s income accurately.

Mining pools display a miner’s reported hash rate on their dashboard, which allows them to find their stats and understand how their equipment is performing.

It is also important to keep track of the actual hash-rate to make sure that the income received from mining is normal and not affected by equipment or network issues.

What is the Difference Between Reported Hashrate, Current Hashrate, and Average Hashrate?

Reported, current, and average hash rate are three different values that miners can use to evaluate their mining performance.

The reported hash rate is the estimated hashrate that a miner submits to the mining pool, as discussed earlier.

The current hash rate is the actual hash-rate that a miner is achieving. This parameter can fluctuate depending on factors like equipment setting changes, worker issues, or power outages.

The average hash rate is the hash rate achieved by a miner over a certain duration, usually the last 24 hours.

The actual hash rate is important for miners because it shows the real-time hashrate they are achieving, which can allow them to identify any issues with their equipment or connection.

The reported hash rate can be used by mining pools to calculate the amount of shares a miner sends and to adjust the difficulty level of the pool. It can show a miner’s overall performance over a day or a longer certain duration.

Understanding the difference between these parameters can allow miners to monitor their mining performance more effectively. It also makes sure they are achieving the expected hashrate.

By tracking these values, miners can identify any issues that might be affecting their mining performance and take corrective action.

For example, if the actual hash rate is low, but the reported hash rate is normal, there might be a problem with the miner’s equipment, and they need to investigate the issue to fix it.

What is Network Hash Rate?

Network hashrate refers to the total computational power of all miners taking part in a particular cryptocurrency network like Bitcoin.

It is a measure of the speed and efficiency with which a cryptocurrency network can process transactions and generate new blocks.

The network hashrate is varying because of changes in the amount of miners and computational power they contribute to the network.

This is important to keep the network secure enough since a greater hashrate makes it more difficult for attackers to launch a 51% attack on the network.

A greater network hashrate means a more reliable network, as there are more miners contributing to the network’s processing power.

However, it’s important to note that a high network hashrate doesn’t always equate to profitability for individual miners, since the rewards are distributed among all miners based on their individual hashrates.

It’s also worth noting that the network hashrate can vary depending on the cryptocurrency being mined, with some coins having a better hashrate than others because of their popularity or mining difficulty.

Why is Hashrate Important for Mining?

Hashrate is an essential metric in cryptocurrency mining as it measures the speed and efficiency of a miner’s equipment.

It refers to the number of calculations or guesses per second a miner can make to solve a cryptographic puzzle and add a new block to the blockchain network.

Here are some reasons hashrate is crucial in mining:

  1. Increased Hashrate leads to increased probability of mining a block – The higher the hashrate, the better the chances of solving a block, and the more rewards the miner can earn.
  2. Competitive nature of mining – Since cryptocurrency mining is a competitive process, miners need to increase their hashrate to stay competitive and remain profitable.
  3. Difficulty change – Hashrate plays a role in determining the difficulty level of mining. The greater the hashrate, the better the difficulty level, and vice versa.
  4. Network security – A high hashrate makes the blockchain network more secure, making it harder for malicious actors to perform a 51% attack.

Hashrate is a fundamental metric in mining that determines the miner’s profitability, competitiveness, and network security. Miners need to understand the importance of hashrate and invest in equipment that can increase their hashrate to stay ahead of the competition.

How Do These Different Hash Rates Relate to Mining?

For mining, there are various types of hash rates that miners need to pay attention to in order to maximize their profits.

The reported hash rate is the estimate of how many hashes the miner’s equipment can calculate based on the setting and the miner’s equipment.

The actual hash-rate, also known as the actual hash rate, is the number of hashes the miner’s equipment is currently producing in real-time. The average hash rate is the average of the actual hash-rate over a certain duration.

Understanding the relationship between these various hashrates is crucial for miners, as it can impact their mining income. Reported hash rate helps miners to estimate the amount of cryptocurrency they will earn based on the difficulty level and the pool’s reward system.

The actual hash-rate is important because it tells the miner if their equipment is running correctly and if there are any problems with the network or equipment.

The average hash rate is important because it helps the miner to estimate their income accurately over a specific duration.

By monitoring all three hashrates, miners can optimize their equipment and settings to ensure that they are producing the maximum hashrate. Ultimately, this can lead to higher profits and a better return on investment for the miner.


Why is Effective Hashrate Higher Than Reported?

Effective hashrate is higher than reported hash rate because of several reasons, including the effect of luck and the fact that reported hash rate is estimated over a longer period than effective hashrate.

Luck plays a role in the calculation of effective hashrate, as some blocks are solved faster than expected, while others take longer.

This results in fluctuations in effective hashrate. Reported hash rate is estimated over a longer period, which can cause it to be lower than the effective hashrate, as the reported hash rate considers any downtime or changes in mining hardware.

As a result, effective hashrate is considered being a more accurate representation of a miner’s mining power.

Why is My Reported Hashrate Lower Than Actual?

Why reported hash rate is lower than actual can be because of several reasons.

One reason is that the mining software you’re using may be incorrectly calculating your hashrate.

Another reason could be that your hardware may not be optimized properly, leading to a lower hashrate.

It is also possible that you are experiencing network issues or your internet connection is slow, which can cause your reported hash rate to be lower than your actual hash-rate.

It’s essential to ensure that you have the latest mining software and that your hardware is optimized for mining.

How Do I Get the Highest Hashrate?

To get the highest hashrate, you can start by choosing the right mining hardware that suits your needs.

The latest ASICs offer the best performance, but they can also be costly.

You can also consider overclocking your hardware to increase its processing power. Optimizing your mining software and pool settings can also help increase your hashrate. Keeping your hardware cool and running smoothly can also improve its performance.

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to avoid any connectivity issues.

Realtime vs Reported Hashrate

Real-time hashrate refers to the current hashing power being generated by a mining rig, while reported hash rate is the average hashing power over a certain period, such as 24 hours.

Real-time hashrate can fluctuate rapidly, while reported hash rate is typically more stable and reflects the mining rig’s long-term performance.

Reported hash rate is important for determining a mining rig’s profitability, as it is used to calculate rewards earned for mining cryptocurrency. However, real-time hashrate can be useful for monitoring a mining rig’s performance and identifying potential issues.

It is important to consider both real-time and reported hashrates when mining cryptocurrency.

Conclusion: Realtime vs Reported Hashrate

Hashrate is an important metric in cryptocurrency mining that measures the mining power of a network or individual miner.

It is a measure of the speed at which a miner can solve the complex mathematical equations required to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain.

Reported hash rate, current hash rate, and average hash rate are various ways to measure this mining power, and they are all important to understand when mining cryptocurrencies.

Network hashrate is the combined hashrate of all miners in a cryptocurrency network, and it directly affects the difficulty level of mining. A better hashrate means more mining rewards, but it also means more competition and difficulty levels.

Overall, understanding hashrate and its various types is crucial for cryptocurrency miners to optimize their mining profits and stay competitive in the industry.

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